Their bright pink feathers are very distinctive and stick out from a distance. The roseate spoonbill can frequently be found at waters' edges throughout Bayou Nwa and Bluewater Marsh.

This is as good an opportunity as any to get plumes ahead of time. Interactive map of Red Dead Online for Red Dead Redemption 2 with locations, and descriptions for items, characters, easter eggs and other game content, including Backroom Business, Badger Spawn. You will probably find spoonbills while hunting herons or egrets for the prior exotics requests. Therefore, for expediency, it's recommended to farm spoonbill plumes throughout the game when you happen to find them ahead of the Duchesses and Other Animals mission, and do not sell the plumes until you have more than thirty. Interactive map for Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, optimal routes to find collectibles, locations of online hideouts.

Spoonbills are not uncommon per se, but they are concentrated in specific spots and limited by geography.

Gathering plumes beforehand while completing other tasks greatly speeds up this quest. As spoonbill spawns are not capped before reaching the pertinent exotics request (like orchids are), it's possible and recommended to start collecting sufficient quantities of spoonbill plumes before starting the Duchesses and Other Animals mission.