She runs the lab and spends most of her time coming up with plans to steal the formula, but has also served as a busser, chef, waitress and cashier for the restaurant. Karen Plankton: Co-owner of the Chum Bucket.As shown in " Krabby Road" and " Plankton Gets the Boot", Karen controls the Chum Bucket more than he does, and she has the ability to kick him out of the restaurant. In Komputer Overload we learn that there are two drinks on the menu: Bucket Bubbler and Chum Cherry Blast. The items on the menu are: Chum Burger, Chum Fries, Chumbalaya, Chum Pie, Chumstick, Chum Chili, Chum Shake and Chummy Joes. The menu first appeared when SpongeBob comes in the Chum Bucket in the episode: Plankton!. It is only seen in " Chum Bucket Supreme".

Meeting Room: Where meetings are held with employees (if there were any).The Krusty Krab Replica: A kitchen that looks exactly just like the Krusty Krab's, only seen in " Welcome to the Chum Bucket".It is only seen in " Plankton!" and the Nicktoons Unite! video game. The Lab Room: Where a Labrador Retriever is shown on a huge video screen.Bedroom: A somewhat extravagant hidden room where Plankton and Karen sleep in purple beds.Office: A working place where Plankton sometimes sleeps, complete with a tiny table and a desktop form of Karen.